
Shu-Ichiro Suzuki

I am a lecturer at the National Institute of Technology, Hakodate college. I have been interested in superconductivity.


National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College, Japan


s.suzuki-1__at__utwente.nl (please replace '__at__' by '@'),
Links to Google Scholar, ORCiD, ResearchMap, and CV.

Keywords of research

Nonequilibrium superconductivity, Quasiclassical theory for superconductivity, Odd-frequency Cooper pairs, Andreev bound states, Paramagnetic Meissner effect, Unconventional superconductors,

News and Schedule

04/2022-Present: Lecturer at the National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College.

03/2022-03/2024: JSPS Research Fellow (OS) at the University of Twente, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

04/2019-02/2022: JSPS Research Fellow (PD) at Nagoya University, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

10/2018-03/2019: Postdoctoral Fellow at Nagoya University, Kakenhi Kiban B.

04/2018-10/2018: Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Twente.

04/2017-03/2018: Postdoctoral Fellow at Nagoya University, Japan Science and Technology Agency

04/2015-03/2017: JSPS Research Fellow (DC2), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

  • "Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in a superconducting thin film attached to a ferromagnetic cluster"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Takumi Sato, Alexander A. Golubov, and Yasuhiro Asano, Oral [Invited],
    International Workshop on Superconductivity and Magnetism in Two Dimensional Films and Heterostructures (SuperQumap),
    University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom,
    29th August-1st September 2023.

  • "Supercurrent inversion by flat-band Andreev bound states"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Soma Yoshida, A. A. Golubov, and M. Eschrig, Oral,
    Dynamical and Hidden Orders (BalCon TP 2023),
    Albano campus, Stockholm, Sweden,
    7th-10th June 2023.

  • "Multiple Andreev reflections in topological Josephson junctions with chiral Majorana modes"
  • Stijn de Wit, Linde Olde Olthof, Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Inanc Adagideli, Jason Robinson, and Alexander Brinkman, Poster [3.11],
    NWO Physics,
    NH Koningshof, Veldhoven, The Netherlands,
    4th-5th April 2023.

  • "Destruction of surface states of (d+id)-wave superconductor by surface roughness: Application to Sr2RuO4"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Satoshi Ikegaya, and Alexander A. Golubov, Poster [3.3],
    NWO Physics,
    NH Koningshof, Veldhoven, The Netherlands,
    4th-5th April 2023.

  • "Odd-frequency Cooper pairing correlations around magnetic impurities"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Takumi Sato, and Yasuhiro Asano, Poster [P23-SF2B-49],
    29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29),
    Sapporo Convention Center (SCC), Sapporo, Japan,
    August 23th 2022.

  • "Paramegnetic quantum vortex on surface with Andreev bound states"
  • Soma Yoshida, Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, and Yukio Tanaka, Poster [P23-SF2B-69],
    29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29),
    Sapporo Convention Center (SCC), Sapporo, Japan,
    August 23th 2022.

  • "Vanishing chiral surface current in a (d + id')-wave superconductor: effects of surface roughness"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Satoshi Ikegaya, and Alexander A. Golubov, Poster [P20-SF2B-43],
    29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29),
    Sapporo Convention Center (SCC), Sapporo, Japan,
    August 20th 2022.

  • "Tunnelling spectroscopy of Sr2RuO4: identifying possible pairing states"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Satoshi Ikegaya, Masatoshi Sato, Dirk Manske, and Yukio Tanaka, Talk,
    Oxide Superspin 2021 (OSS2021),
    ICC Kyoto, Japan,
    December 16th 2021.

  • "Anomalous inverse proximity effect in unconventional-superconductor junctions"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Takashi Hirai, Matthias Eschrig, and Yukio Tanaka, Poster,
    APS March Meeting 2021, [U71.51],
    Online conference, the United States,
    March 18th, 2021.

  • "Identifying possible pairing states in Sr2RuO4 by tunneling spectroscopy"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Masatoshi Sato, and Yukio Tanaka, Talk [V47.13],
    APS March Meeting 2021,
    Online conference, the United States,
    March 18th, 2021.

  • "Theory of tunnelling conductance of d+ip-wave superconductor"
  • Yukio Tanaka, Yuhi Takabatake, and Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Talk [V47.12],
    APS March Meeting 2021,
    Online conference, the United States,
    March 16th, 2021.

  • "Magnetic properties of odd-frequency Cooper pairs"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Talk,
    Hybrid Structures for Spintronics and Qubits, SPINTECH summer school-2020,
    University of Twente, Twente, the Netherlands,
    October 1st-3rd 2020.

  • "Identifying possible pairing states in Sr2RuO4 by tunneling spectroscopy"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Masatoshi Sato, and Yukio Tanaka,
    International Conference on Topological Materials Science 2019 (TopoMat2019),
    Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
    December 4th-7th 2019.

  • "0-pi transition and symmetries of Cooper pairs in Rashba superconducting Nanowire junction"
  • Daijiro Takagi, Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, and Yukio Tanaka,
    International Conference on Topological Materials Science 2019 (TopoMat2019),
    Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
    December 4th-7th 2019.

  • "Tunneling conductance of Sr2RuO4 in a states of spin-singlet and triplet mixture"
  • Keiji Yada, Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Yukio Tanaka, and Satoshi Kahiwaya,
    International Conference on Topological Materials Science 2019 (TopoMat2019),
    Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
    December 4th-7th 2019.

  • "Identifying possible pairing states in Sr2RuO4 by tunneling spectroscopy"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Masatoshi Sato, and Yukio Tanaka, Talk,
    ICE group meeting, University of Twente,
    CARRÉ building, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands,
    October 16th, 2019.

  • "Effects of the phase coherence on the local density of states in superconducting proximity structures"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Alexander A. Golubov, Yasuhiro Asano, and Yukio Tanaka,
    Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2019 (SCES2019),
    Okayama Convention Center, Okayama, Japan,
    September 27, 2019.

  • "Effects of the phase coherence on the local density of states in superconducting proximity structures"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Alexander A. Golubov, Yasuhiro Asano, and Yukio Tanaka,
    Oxide Superspin Workshop 2019 (OSS2019),
    Samsung Convention Center, Seoul National University (SNU), 239-1 Nakseongdae-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea,
    June 25-28, 2019.

  • "Long-range phase-coherent effect in spin-triplet junctions"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Alexander A. Golubov, Yasuhiro Asano, and Yukio Tanaka,
    Royal Sciety meetings: Non-equilibrium superconductivity and spintronics,
    Kavli Royal Society Centre, Chicheley Hall, Newport Pagnell, United Kingdom,
    February 25-26, 2019.

  • "Long-range coherence effect in spin-triplet superconducting junctions"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Alexander A. Golubov, Yasuhiro Asano, and Yukio Tanaka,
    Condensed Matter Physics Seminar at Royal Holloway, University of London,
    Tolansky Building, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom,
    February 22, 2019.

  • "Spontaneous Magnetization in a Small Unconventional Superconductor"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    Superconducting hybrid nanostructures: physics and application,
    Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology, Dolgoprudny, Moscow,
    September 19-23, 2016.

  • "Anomalous Magnetic Response of a Small Unconventional Superconductor"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    International Workshop TOP-SPIN 2: Spin and Topological phenomena in nanostructures,
    Groningen University, Groningen, the Netherlands,
    May 26-27 (2016).

  • "Spontaneous edge current in a small chiral superconductor with a rough surface"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    The 2016 International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron System (SCES 2016),
    International Conference Center of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China,
    May 8-13, 2016.

  • "Robustness of the Spontaneous Edge Current in Chiral Superconductors"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    Annual Meeting of Topological Material Science,
    Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan,
    December 11-13, 2015.

  • "Paramagnetic Response of Small Topological Superconductors"
  • Yasuhiro Asano and Shu-Ichiro Suzuki (The speaker is Y. Asano),
    Interaction of Superconductivity and Magnetism in Nanosystems,
    Moscow National University for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia
    Sep. 2-4, 2015.

  • "Effects of Surface Roughness on the Paramagnetic Effect of Small Topological Superconductors"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    Gordon Research Conference on Topological & Correlated Matter ,
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
    Jun. 28-Jul. 3, 2015.

  • "Effects of Surface Roughness on Paramagnetic Effect of Small Topological Superconductors"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    International conference on topological quantum phenomena (TQP2014) ,
    Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
    Dec. 16-19, 2014.

  • "Paramagnetic Instability of Small Unconventional Superconductors"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    CIFAR Quantum Materials Program Meetings,
    Hyatt Regency Hotel, Montreal, Canada,
    May 7-10, 2014.

  • "Paramagnetic Instability of Small Unconventional Superconductors"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    CIFAR Quantum Materials Summer School,
    Le Nouvel Hotel & Spa, Montreal, Canada,
    May 5-7, 2014.

  • "Magnetic Response of Mesoscopic Unconventional Superconductors"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    International workshop on Phase Transition, Critical Phenomena and Related Topics in Complex Networks,
    Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan,
    Sept. 9-11, 2013.

  • "Supercurrent inversion and flat-band Andreev bound states"
  • (18pA200-5 Andreev束縛状態と超伝導電流の反転),
    Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Oral, Invited,
    JPS Annual meeting (Symposium talk),
    Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan,
    18th September 2023.

  • "Quantum vortex in d+id'-wave superconductor"
  • (17aB101-11 カイラルd波超伝導体表面の量子渦),
    Soma Yoshida, Yukio Tanaka, and Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Oral,
    JPS Annual meeting (Symposium talk),
    Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan,
    17th September 2023.

  • "Identifying possible pairing states in Sr2RuO4 by tunnelling spectroscopy"
  • (9pD1-9 ルテニウム酸化物超伝導体/金属接合の微分コンダクタンス),
    Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Masatoshi Sato, and Yukio Tanaka,
    The Physical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting,
    Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan (online),
    September 14th-17th 2020.

  • "Anomalous inverse proximity effect due to Andreev bound states"
  • (9aF1-10 Andreev束縛状態に起因する異常逆近接効果),
    Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Takashi Hirai, Matthias Eschrig, and Yukio Tanaka,
    The Physical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting,
    Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan (online),
    September 14th-17th 2020.

  • "Tunneling conductance of d+ip -wave superconducting junction"
  • (9pD1-8 d+ip波超伝導体接合の微分コンダクタンスの理論),
    Yuhi Takabatake, Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, and Yukio Tanaka,
    The Physical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting,
    Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan (online),
    September 14th-17th 2020.

  • "Phase coherence and local density of states in spin-triplet superconducting proximity structure"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Alexander A. Golubov, Y. Asano, and Yukio Tanaka,
    The Physical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting,
    Gifu University, Gifu, Japan
    September 10th-13th 2019.

  • "Tunneling conductance of Sr2RuO4: mixed states of spin-triplet and spin-singlet components"
  • Keiji Yada, Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Yukio Tanaka, and Satoshi Kahiwaya,
    The Physical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting,
    Gifu University, Gifu, Japan
    September 10th-13th 2019.

  • "Theory on Majorana bound states controlled by an external field in a two-dimensional topological superconductivity"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Yuki Kawaguchi, and Yukio Tanaka,
    The Physical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting,
    Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
    September 9th-12th 2018.

  • "Edge current in a chiral d-wave superconductor"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    The Physical Society of Japan Spring Meeting,
    Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
    March 17-20, 2017.

  • "Magnetization of small unconventional superconductors due to odd-frequency Cooper pairs"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    The Physical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting,
    Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan
    September 13-16, 2016.

  • "Odd-frequency Cooper pairs in multiband superconductors"
  • Akihiro Sasaki, Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, and Yasuhiro Asano,
    The Physical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting,
    Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan
    September 13-16, 2016.

  • "Chiral edge current in a chiral superconductor with a rough surface"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    The Physical Society of Japan Spring Meeting,
    Tohoku Gakuin University, Sendai, Japan
    March 19-22, 2016.

  • "Robustness of the spontaneous edge current in a chiral superconductor against surface roughness"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    Topological Materials Science, the First Annual Meeting (TMS2015)
    Kyoto University Shiran Kaikan, Kyoto, Japan
    Dec. 11-13, 2015.

  • "Paramagnetic Phase and its stability in small unconventional superconductors"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    The Physical Society of Japan Spring Meeting,
    Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
    March 21-24, 2015.

  • "Effects of surface roughness on paramagnetic effect of small unconventional superconductors"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    The Physical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting,
    Chubu University, Aichi, Japan
    Sept. 7-10, 2014.

  • "Anomalous magnetic response of small unconventional superconductors"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    The Physical Society of Japan Spring Meeting,
    Tohkai University, Kanagawa, Japan,
    Mar. 26-30, 2013.

  • "Anomalous magnetic response of mesoscopic unconventional superconductors"
  • Shu-Ichiro Suzuki and Yasuhiro Asano,
    The Physical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting,
    Tokushima University, Tokushima, Japan,
    Sept. 25-28, 2013.

  • Linear Algebra II

  • Physics II



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